Polkadot Ecosystem Weekly Digest

Polkadot News
3 min readMar 1, 2021

February 22nd — February 28th


✔ If you sent DOT to a Kusama address on your Ledger, instructions for recovering it have been published:https://medium.com/zondax/how-to-recover-dot-sent-to-the-wrong-network-kusama-2f89b5d0b93d

✔ Highly informative 34-tweet thread by Dan Reecer covers Polkadot and Kusama crowdloans and parachain slot auctions. “What is a crowdloan? How is it different/better than ICOs? How do I participate? How do parachain auctions work?” — read from this tweet.

✔ DeFi Demo Day By Polkadot Technical Working Group will be held on March 4th. Agenda includes introducing of Polkadot Technical Working Group, parachains overview, introductions and demos of Snowfork, Interlay, Acala, Centrifuge, Moonbeam demoing Balancer + Sushiswap, Phala, Plasm and panel with Cami Russo.


Three rounds of Bifrost MintDrop have all finished, with a total of underlying 15,000 ETH. vETH liquidity mining will be coming up next. All airdropped BNC will be issued to bound BNC/DOT addresses before March 3rd. Source.


✔ Kylin Network released the $KYL token launch scheme. There will be 3 phases:

— pre-sale on Polkastarter (March 1st-2nd)

— launch on Balancer LBP (March 3rd-5th)

— trade on Uniswap (March 5th- )

✔ Kylin announced that contract testing is complete on the old test contract address at: 0xfaf9b1cbcaf4321ae834335c8ba50b170cf836e7 (DO NOT use this address!). Kylin has migrated over to the finalized contract address at 0x67B6D479c7bB412C54e03dCA8E1Bc6740ce6b99C.


The Sora testnet has been updated to support token transfers across HASHI Ethereum bridge. Now test tokens can be moved from the Ethereum Rinkeby testnet to the SORA v2/Polkaswap testnet. The HASHI bridge can be tested at http://testbridge.polkaswap.io.


✔ Binance has listed Phala Network $PHA in the Innovation Zone (trading for PHA/BTC and PHA/BUSD trading pairs) on February 25th. Innovation zone is a dedicated trading zone where users are able to trade new, innovative tokens.

✔ Phala is now available on Kucoin. Supported trading pairs are PHA/USDT and PHA/ETH.


Chainlink Hackathon Spring 2021 will be held between March 15th — April 11th. $80k+ in Hackathon prize bounties. Plasm Network and Moonbeam are among the sponsors and judges.


PAID’s Initial DEX Offering (IDO) platform, Ignition is now live.


StaFi launched rDOT on Seiya Testnet, it is a dev version, devs can run client to mint rDOT by staking, rToken app will be available soon. Fully audited rDOT will be live on Mainnet in late March. Github.


Centrifuge configured a Chachacha — Rococo based parachain testnet for Polkadot’s parachain ecosystem. The main purpose of Chachacha is to serve as a support network to ease and speed up the on-boarding of new parachains in Rococo.


Subscan.io have supported Clover.


🤝 Konomi x BXZ

Konomi and bZx are teaming up, with the goal of creating more money markets for digital assets to the Polkadot ecosystem.

🤝 Kylin × Shadows

Shadows will engage with Kylin‘s architecture and platform to provide a ready-made solution to easily call the validated price and data feeds, thus capturing the value of the synthetic assets within Shadows Network.



SubGame is a development team that builds a public chain with cross-chain interoperability and provides various types of application scenarios to create common cross-chain features in the gaming industry.

Moonstake Wallet

Moonstake develops a staking pool protocol and provides staking related business services. It now supports 10 coins for staking including Polkadot and contributes expansion of the Polkadot ecosystem.


Polkamarkets is a DeFi-Powered Prediction Market built for cross-chain information exchange and trading where users can take positions on outcomes of real world events–in a decentralized and interoperable platform based on Polkadot.

Parachain Live

Parachain Auction Metrics by Project

Moondot Capital

Moondot Capital is dedicated to investing in open-source, Web 3.0 decentralized finance projects built atop the Polkadot/Kusama ecosystem.

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Polkadot News

Polkadot Ecosystem: Weekly Digest and Projects overview. Polkadot Ambassador.